
Mammillaria cactus - types and care at home
Cacti occupy a special place among indoor flowers. Many of them are very unpretentious and at the same time very ...
Opuntia cactus - varieties, home care
The homeland of prickly pears are semi-deserts and mountain slopes of North and South America, from where the cactus was distributed ...
Opuntia fig - description and care
Among the many cacti that are grown at home, the most popular is the prickly pear ...
How often to water a cactus: the number of times and options at home
The historical homeland of cacti is the desert lands of Central America and the tropics. A plant accustomed to strong ...
Cereus Peruvian - home care
Cereus is a massive and unusual plant (some consider it even ugly). But in capable hands ...
Pereskia flower - home care
Pereskia is a cactus that has become widespread among lovers of home flowers. With the right ...
Cactus Gymnocalycium - home care
The hymnocalycium cactus is considered the most common in floriculture. This cactus is often called "Japanese", ...
Cactus Lophophora Williamsii - planting and care at home
Also known as peyote, the smooth North American Lophophore Williams cactus grows ...
Why does the Decembrist's leaves wither and fall - what to do
The Decembrist, or Schlumberger, is an epiphytic cactus that blooms when grown at home ...

