Spider mite on indoor plants - how to deal

Growing flowers has become a hobby for many. Plants serve not only for home interior decoration, but also for air purification, bring aesthetic pleasure. Often, favorite flowers are attacked by pests and phyto-diseases. If a spider mite is wound up on indoor plants, many gardeners are interested in how to deal effectively with the parasite.

Dangerous pests include a spider mite from the Arachnid class. It forms huge colonies and feeds on plant sap, causing irreparable harm to indoor crops.

Spider mite on plants - chores for flower growers

Signs of tick infestation

Nonspecific primary manifestations of a tick complicate its detection. The following symptoms indicate a defeat by a pest:

  1. Brown specks form on the leaves, as if from punctures with a thin needle.
  2. The foliage dries up, the flowers fall off.
  3. The growth and development of culture slows down.
  4. Red or black dots on the back of the paper that move.
  5. The cobweb that braids the flower and the back of the leaves.
  6. Individuals congregate on the cobweb if the population is large.

Infection symptoms

White spider web on indoor plants

The main sign of the presence of mites is the formation of a thin web on the lower part of the leaf or between the leaf blade and the stem. You can simply remove the fragile cobweb with your hands. The movement of parasites on its surface is noticed immediately.

White spiders on indoor flowers

Signs of shedding, reminiscent of dandruff, are considered clear signs of the presence of a pest. In addition, spider mites leave white spots and silver streaks on the foliage.

Reasons for the appearance of a spider mite

Many growers are familiar with arthropods firsthand. Where do harmful insects come from? A common method of infection is diseased plants from the store. If a new flower appears in the house, quarantine will not interfere: it is placed separately for 2 weeks on an empty window and the plant is monitored. In the absence of incident, the flower is placed in a permanent place.

Parasites can enter the house from the street. When trees, shrubs, flowers grow under the loggia or window, there is a high probability of hitting green pets with a tick.

On a note! Perhaps the awakening of females that live in the ground, after a long hibernation and creating favorable conditions for life. In eggs, the sleep phase can be 5 years.

Spider mite preparations

To get rid of spider mites for a long time and quickly will help special means - acaricides.

For a lasting result, they adhere to the requirements and recommendations that are prescribed in the instructions. Do not experiment with the frequency of application and do not neglect re-spraying. They comply with safety rules when processing plants - the products are toxic.

Productive drugs include:

  1. Actellic. A reliable tool for getting rid of pests. Spraying of the affected vegetation is carried out every 2 weeks.The manipulation is carried out in the fresh air using personal protective equipment. When the affected lesion reaches a large size, it is recommended to cover the flowerpot after processing with a plastic bag.

Actellic - # 1 remedy for spider mites

  1. Bitoxibacillin. Kills Arachnids at all stages of development. It is used during the flowering of the plant. Retention of properties in an open package is limited to 3 hours.
  2. Neoron. Effectively fights against adults, destroys the laid eggs and larvae of pests.
  3. Fitoverm. The active substances in the composition are aversectins, which have neurotoxic properties and have a detrimental effect on parasites.
  4. Skelta. An effective drug among new products. Distinctive features of the Skelta are the death of spiders after a certain period of time, infection of the larvae and the entire colony. A single treatment exterminates spider mites on indoor flowers.
  5. Kleschevite. It is characterized by intestinal contact and a weak odor. The active ingredient is Aversectin. Refers to analogues of Fitoverma. Manufactured in ampoules (4 ml).
  6. Flumite. For certain destroys egg clutches, prevents the formation of new ones. Harms adults, the plant gets rid of pests quickly. Frequent use of the product is prohibited due to its toxicity.


They belong to low-toxic compounds, they are safe for humans and plants. The first treatment with the agent leads to the destruction of adult specimens and larvae. It will take 3 treatments in 5 day increments to kill females and egg-laying.

Reliable remedies in the fight against spider mites:

  • Aktofit;
  • Lepidocide;
  • Agravertine;
  • Vertimek;
  • Birch tar;

Tar birch

  • Apollo.

On a note! They do not expect the immediate destruction of arthropods - after processing the culture, it will take from 3 days to a week until they die.

Traditional methods in the battle with spider mites

If spider mites are bred on indoor plants, folk remedies will tell you how to deal with a pest at home. Their distinctive feature is that they are easy to prepare and use.

Before using the medicinal product, you will need to process the plant: clean it, wash it in the shower. Next, thoroughly wash the window sill and flowerpot to eliminate ticks. After these procedures, the processing of the plant begins. You will need an effective recipe for a folk remedy - a decoction or tincture, based on:

  1. Garlic. A quick way to counter the Arachnids. The gardeners' responses to the garlic decoction are only positive. You will need several heads of garlic, which are finely chopped. The mass is diluted with boiling water (1 l). The container is hermetically closed with a lid and hidden in the cool. After 5 days, use the mixture to poison the pests. Before use, dilute with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Potato tops. The stems are crushed and 1 liter of boiled liquid is introduced. After 4 hours, the diseased plants are sprayed with the solution.
  3. Celandine. You will need 1 liter of boiling water, into which 2 tbsp is poured. l. green or dried leaves of grass. Use after 4 hours.
  4. Yarrow. Take 100 g of raw materials per 1 liter of steep brew. The solution is boiled for 3 minutes. Insist for 4 hours. Filter before use.
  5. Dandelion. Chopped roots and foliage (3 tbsp. L.) Are poured with boiling water. After 4 hours, the mixture is filtered and used for work-up.
  6. Soap. Household soap is used to process the flower pot and culture. Foam removal is carried out after 3 hours. To maintain the necessary moisture, a plastic bag is put on the plant for a day.

A popular remedy for ticks is a soap solution

How to get rid of spider mites

Spider web on a room rose how to deal

When they find a cobweb on a room rose, it is important to urgently take action.

Spider mite on a rose

You will need:

  • careful examination of the flower, removal of the affected areas;
  • rinsing the plant with lukewarm water;
  • wiping with a weak alcohol solution;
  • placing the affected culture on a separate windowsill;
  • processing with chemicals (Neoron, Aktellik) and folk remedies (onion / garlic decoction) in the complex;
  • scalding the tray of the flowerpot with boiling water;
  • covering the flower with a plastic bag for a couple of hours:
  • washing windowsill, windows with detergent.

Red spider mite on orchids

If a tick is found on an orchid, the conditions for keeping the flower will have to be changed.

Orchid pest

The plants are watered and sent to a plastic bag for 3 days.

On a note! The period of stay of the orchid under the greenhouse effect must not be prolonged. The presence of signs of wilting indicates the need to remove the package.

The sheets are washed with a solution that is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. detergent for dishes for 1 liter of water. The window sill is treated with soapy water. Of the chemicals, Actellik is preferable, the treatment is carried out twice with a week break.

Folk recipes for red ticks

ComponentsCooking technologyApplication
Citron crustsBoil 100 g in 1 liter of water, leave for 3 days.Sprinkle the leaves with the solution after 4 hours. The dried peels are laid out near the peduncle.
Cyclamen tubersBoil for 1 hour. Leave the broth for 24 hours in the dark, then strain.Process the sheets 1 time per day, repeat after 5 days.
Medical alcoholThe method is suitable for orchids with tough foliage.The affected areas are treated with a moistened disc.
Onion husksPour boiling water over, after 7 hours. Filter.Spraying is carried out 2-4 times daily, the course of treatment is 4 days in a row.

Cyclamen mite on violets

Cyclamen, or strawberry mite, is a microscopic parasite that poses a threat to domestic flowers, including violets.

On a note! A popular method in the fight against ticks is to immerse an infected flower in water heated to 45 ° C, having previously removed the affected parts of the plant. The duration of the water procedure is 15 minutes. while maintaining the required temperature. After the flower is taken to a shaded place for several days.

Wipe the foliage and stems of the violet with acaricidal preparations:

  • Aktofit and Akarin;
  • Fitoverm and Agravertin.

You have to get rid of ticks every 3 days.

Spider mite on geranium

Spider mites on geraniums are not susceptible to all chemicals. They are opposed by a line of acaricides:

  • Lightning and Kemifos;
  • Fufanon and Ditox;
  • Kungfu and Omite;
  • Bi-58 and Zolon;
  • Iskra-M and Oberon.

Tick ​​protection

Spider mite on balsam

The balsams that hit the Arthropods look like they were doused with boiling water: a grayish-red stem, dried leaves and flowers.

The flower must be carefully washed with water, using laundry or tar soap. The soapy balsam is covered with polyethylene. After a day, wash off the product under a warm shower.

Spider mite helpers:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Anti-mite;
  • Sunmight.

Sunmight - contact insecticide

On a note! Preventive measures in a duel with a spider mite - regular irrigation and moistening of the top layer of soil.

Spider mite on Benjamin's ficus

If a marble pattern appears on the leaves of Benjamin, this indicates the ill health of the ficus: the spread of the spider mite and the growth of the population.

Chemicals will help out spider mites:

  • Alatar;
  • Karbofos;
  • Vermitic;
  • Intavir.

Biological products are popular among users: Fitoseyulus, Ambliseius.

Spider mite on cyclamen

The parasite harms cyclamens, as well as chrysanthemum, gloxinia, Kalanchoe and other domestic crops. Heat and high humidity are optimal conditions for cyclamen mites. Infected flowers appear dusty. You can remove a tick if you do not ignore repeated treatments, spraying plants in the neighborhood, cleaning the location of the flower.

Florists advise using Aktar: add a sachet to 2 liters of water and spill it on moistened soil to avoid scalding the roots. This measure applies to all colors in the house.

Aktara against spider mites

If a cobweb has appeared on indoor flowers, what to do for inexperienced growers, they will prompt the advice of experts. A balanced approach is required to eliminate spiders. The choice of a drug (pesticide, biological product, folk remedy) depends on the user and the degree of damage to the flower.


