Rose Chippendale - characteristics of varietal shrub

One of the newer flower crops is the Chippendale shrub rose. It was bred by an employee of the Tantau firm from Germany. Rose Chippendale is very popular in Russia and Europe. The plant belongs to the category of scrub, that is, it is a decorative rose that is resistant to frost.

Rose Chippendale, what is this variety, history of creation

Rose Chip and Dale is named after the English furniture maker Thomas Chippendale. He made furniture in the style of early classicism. The plant is unpretentious to care for. The variety is classic, but it has signs of modernity.

Bush rose Chippendale

Brief description, characteristics

The bushes of the culture have powerful and compact stems. The plant is characterized by increased winter hardiness. Roses grow up to 120 cm. The leaves are medium in size and dark green in color. The flowers are large, their diameter reaches 12 cm. Each inflorescence contains 2-3 buds. The petals can be orange, apricot (Gold variety) or pale pink.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of the Chippendale rose:

  • the flower is filled with petals;
  • blooms again;
  • has a sweet, rich aroma.

There were no deficiencies in the variety.

Use in landscape design

Rose Chip Dale is used in flower gardens and rose gardens. It is decorated with arches, sculptures, pools. The variety looks good in a flowerbed with perennial plants.

Important! Often, a hedge is made from the bushes.

Chippendale rose hedge

Growing a flower, how to plant it in open ground

In order for the Chippendale rose to please with a beautiful flowering, it is necessary to follow some rules for its planting.

In what form is the landing

The park rose Chippendale is planted with cuttings. In this case, you need to prepare the plant. It is also possible to propagate roses by seeds. For this, seedlings are preliminarily grown.

What time is the boarding

The best time to plant is mid to late May. It is important that there is no more frost.

Location selection

The planting area should not be in the shade. If Rose Chip and Dale lacks light, it will ruin her. The flowers will be small and faded. Also, the place must be protected from drafts.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Shoots are cut off on the seedlings. There should be no more than five growth buds. Weak growths are removed so that they do not take away strength. The root system is also removed by 1/3 part. Then, at night, the plant is removed into water, into which it is worth adding a growth biostimulator. The depth of the planting site should be 0.4–0.5 m. The soil is dug up and loosened. Mix two parts of soil with one part of humus.

Planting procedure step by step:

  1. Fill the hole with prepared soil.
  2. Place the seedling so that the root collar is 10 cm submerged in the ground.
  3. Sprinkle with soil and compact.
  4. Water abundantly.

The key to abundant flowering is the correct observance of all stages of planting.

For rose Chippendale, it is important to choose the right planting site

Plant care

A rose must be properly cared for so that it is healthy, develops well and grows.

Watering rules and humidity

If the rose is just planted or transplanted, it should be watered abundantly. Then watering is carried out once every 10 days.

Important! In the heat, more frequent watering is necessary. After sunset, the plant can be given a small shower.

Top dressing and soil quality

The key to the successful development of this variety is regular fertilization. When planting a plant, a complex fertilizer is added. From next year, the rose is fertilized with minerals and vitamins. In the early stages of development, top dressing is performed with a high nitrogen content. When the plants are gaining color, potassium phosphate fertilizers are applied.

Pruning and replanting

Prune the plant only in clear weather. At the same time, dry and diseased branches are removed. Annual shoots are cut off by one third, and three buds are left in adult branches. Pruning is done in winter and autumn. The transplant is carried out in the fall.

The rose requires regular feeding.

Features of wintering a flower

Before the dormant period, the plant needs to be fed. To do this, potassium sulfide, boric acid and superphosphate are diluted in water. Then the bush is cut and covered with branches.

Blooming rose

If the care procedures are not followed correctly during the flowering period, the rose may not bloom.

A period of activity and rest

The bush begins to bloom in early June. If the climate is warm, then flowering can continue until November. Re-flowering is more lush.

Care during and after flowering

During the flowering period, the Chippendale scrub rose does not require special care, and after that the plant is fed and pruned.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible reasons

In the first year, the plant usually does not bloom. Then the rose may not bloom for one of several reasons:

  • Wrong landing site selected. The plant should be planted in the most open area.
  • Incorrect cropping. Pruning the rose too much can result in it not blooming.
  • Improper care. A rose requires timely feeding and spraying from pests.
  • The plant is sick or attacked by pests.

Important! If you do not follow the rules of care, the rose may die.

Improper care leads to the death of the plant

Flower propagation

The rose can be bred in several ways. Reproduction is carried out when the plant has bloomed. The first way is grafting. In autumn, they take faded shoots and cut them into pieces of 15 cm. The lower leaves are removed from them and the shoots are planted to a depth of 4 cm. Then they are treated with mullein infusion and the seedlings are covered with polyethylene.

The second breeding option is the layering method. First, take the lateral process of the flower and drop it in. With the help of wooden hooks, its lower part is fixed. After rooting, the shoot is separated from the bush and planted in a prepared place.

Diseases and pests, ways to deal with them

Common diseases:

  • Powdery mildew. The causative agent of this disease is a fungus. Excessive moisture provokes the disease. It affects leaves, buds and stems. When a flower is sick, it becomes covered with a white bloom. The plant looks wilted. Leaves begin to dry out and fall off, flowers wither. In case of infection, it is necessary to remove the affected parts of the plant and spray it with a copper-soap emulsion or mullein solution.
  • Black spot. It occurs in humid weather, as well as when there is a lack of calcium. At first, the leaves are covered with dark brown spots with yellow edges, and then wither and fall off. All affected foliage must be removed and burned. The bush is treated with Bordeaux liquid or copper-soap emulsion.
  • Rust. When infected with this fungus, yellow-orange tubercles appear on the stems and shoots. Pustules appear on the underside of the leaves. They contain fungal spores, due to which healthy parts of the plant are infected.Over time, the leaves of the rose turn yellow, dry out and fall off or curl. High humidity provokes the disease. Affected shoots, leaves are removed and burned, and then throughout the summer, the flower must be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.

Rose infested with powdery mildew

Rose Chippendale Pests:

  • Spider mite. It is an arachnid insect that is yellow or brown in color. The pest settles on the underside of the leaves. The affected foliage dries out and crumbles. In this case, the plant is treated with insecticides.
  • Green aphid. The pest settles in colonies and multiplies very quickly. Aphids suck out all the juices from the plant. They fight the pest with insecticides.
  • Rose leaflet. These are butterflies that damage the shoots, leaves and buds of the rose. The insect can be fought with a decoction of tobacco, garlic or onions.

Spider mite on a plant

Rose Chippendale is popular with gardeners. To grow it, it is important to follow all the rules for planting and caring for the plant.


