Wild rose - what kind of flower is it, what is it called

Wild rose is a plant with a simple flower shape, bright and varied colors. The culture has original fruits and lush bushes.

Wild rose - what is this flower

The second and most common name for a flower is rosehip. In total, there are more than 75 species of this shrub. The plant belongs to the Rosaceae family. Almost all types of rose hips are found in all regions of the country.

Interesting! A wild rose can be used to determine the time, since its flowers open and close strictly at a certain time.

Rosehip berries

Description of what it looks like

Description of the wild rose:

  • life form - bush;
  • stems are most often green, covered with many small thorns;
  • the flowering period lasts from the second half of May and ends in the middle of summer;
  • fruits ripen in September;
  • the flower is simple, with many stamens;
  • the color depends on the variety (from white to bright pink);
  • fruit colors are also varied.

Self-pollination of a flower rarely occurs, more often it is required to attract pollinating insects, which willingly flock to the pleasant, bright aroma of the flower.

Healing properties, use in the economy

The fruits of the plant have medicinal properties and help with colds, coughs, bronchitis. They are simply added to tea, brewed as a tea drink, compote is boiled from fruits to strengthen immunity. The berries of the plant contain a huge amount of vitamin C.

Varieties of wild roses for growing in the garden

Wild rose bushes are often grown to improve the appearance of courtyards, parks, hedges and gardens. The plant is especially suitable for too busy flower growers who want their garden to look as attractive as possible with a minimum of effort.

Dog rose (Canina)

The most common type of shrub used to create living fences. Large fragrant flowers of bright pink color bloom in early summer, and closer to autumn, berries begin to ripen. The maximum height of the bush is 3 m. The plant is very unpretentious, practically does not require maintenance.

French (Gallica)

The French rosehip grows only in the southern parts of Russia and European countries. The bush is undersized, the height of the stems does not even reach 1 m. The flowers are bright red. It can be grown as a houseplant.

French rosehip

Devil Rose Lacorn

This stunted plant has no thorns at all on thin long stems. Peduncles are long, they have large bright flowers. There are small sticky droplets on the fruits and stalks, which give Lacorne an original look.

Wild Rose Moyes

The Moyes rose species includes several decorative flowers with large bottle fruits and bright red flowers.The leaves are bright green, against their background, the flowers look especially impressive.

Wild rose Altay

The marshmallow variety is a perennial herbaceous shrub reaching 2 m in height. The root system is very powerful, there are no thorns, instead of them the stems and leaf petioles are covered with villi. The flowers are large, white-pinkish in color, located on short peduncles.

Altey variety

Rusty rose

This plant looks like a shrub about 1.5 m high, but it can grow up to 2.5 m. The stems are covered with large thorns. Leaves are green, up to 12 cm, with seven leaves. The flowers are pale pink. Fruits are red, spherical in shape.

Rosa Hugonis and others

It is a wild yellow rose that blooms first among the varieties. The flowers are pale yellow, located on short pedicels throughout the shoot. The bush has many thorns and is highly immune. It grows very quickly, up to 2.5 m.

Rosa Hugonis

In addition to those presented above, flower growers also grow other varieties of rose hips. White wild rose and cinnamon rose are often found.

Growing a wild rose, how to plant it in open ground

Growing a wild rose and planting it does not give the gardener a lot of trouble. This is a rather unpretentious plant.

What time is the boarding

You can plant young plants at any time. The optimal period for planting in open ground is early spring, when young shoots have given a small increase.

Location selection

Any arrangement is suitable for rose hips, but in shaded areas it will not bloom for long, and the fruits may not form at all. The bush grows rapidly. It is worthwhile to allocate a wide area in advance for him, since it will be problematic to transplant the plant to a new place.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Fertilize the soil and prepare the planting pit. The roots of the seedling are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. They need to be inspected and any damaged parts removed. The main roots are shortened by a few centimeters.

Planting procedure step by step

  1. A hole of 50x50x50 cm is prepared for each plant.
  2. 10-15 kg of compost, 200 g of superphosphate, a little potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate are added to the pits.
  3. From above, the bushes are cut to 15 cm.
  4. 10 liters of soft water at room temperature are poured into each hole.
  5. Prepared seedlings are placed in the hole and sprinkled with earth. The top layer should be slightly higher than the level to which the bush was deepened in the planting container (about 5 cm).
  6. Next, the rosehip is watered, the soil is slightly tamped and mulched with sawdust, peat or moss.

Planting rose hips in open ground

Plant care

Wild rose does not require additional maintenance. This is an option for both novice florists and those who do not have a lot of time to work in the garden.

Watering rules and humidity

Rosehips can even adapt to hot dry weather. During a period of particular drought, you can water it. At the same time, 10-15 liters of water are poured under each bush, no more. Do not water a wild rose more than 3 times per season.

Top dressing and soil quality

The flower needs feeding only in the first years of life, it needs both mineral and organic fertilizers. The main thing is not to overdo it with nitrogen, otherwise problems with flowering may begin.

Pruning and replanting

The first cardinal pruning is done after planting if the shoots were not pruned initially. Then only formative pruning is required, which is carried out once every 3 years.

Features of wintering a flower

Winters, even harsh, most species of rose hips tolerate calmly. It is better to cover the delicate southern variety of the bush with a special protective material.

Blooming rose

The shrub blooms, as a rule, actively and for quite a long time.

A period of activity and rest

The period of activity begins in April, when the buds are laid. Wild rose blooms in mid-July.

Care during and after flowering

The rules for leaving during this period remain the same as for the rest of the time.No additional effort is required.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible reasons

Rosehip begins to bloom the next year after planting, so you should not wait for flowering in the first year of life. The reasons for the lack of flowering may be too strong shading of the bush or excess nitrogen in the soil.

Flower reproduction, ways

The main methods of flower reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • dividing the rhizome.

When is it produced

Breeding time is spring.

Diseases, pests and ways to control them

Rosehip is almost not susceptible to attack by insect pests or diseases. If this happens, you will need to use chemicals, insecticides. In the initial stages of damage by insect pests, folk recipes help, for example, a solution of garlic or iodine.

A wild rose is a flower that adorns not only forest slopes, courtyards or parks, but also flower beds of flower growers who want to choose something simple, beautiful and useful for themselves. The bush creates beauty in any garden area where it is located. Caring for rose hips is not at all difficult. Growing up, it looks extraordinary, representing whole thickets.


