When is it better to plant roses in open ground

Rose is one of the most demanded horticultural crops. The beauty of her flowers leaves no one indifferent. But in order for the shrub to fully grow and bloom luxuriantly, you need to comply with the basic requirements of the culture. First of all, you need to know when it is better to plant roses in autumn or spring in different regions and how to carry out the procedure. Indeed, the further development of the bush directly depends on this.

When is it better to plant roses in open ground

It is possible to plant rose seedlings in a permanent place throughout the growing season if conditions are favorable. In the southern regions it is recommended to do this in the fall, and in the central and northern regions - in the spring.

You need to plant roses correctly

But the timing of planting depends not only on the climate of the area where the roses will be grown, but also on the type of their root system. Grafted seedlings on rose hips can be planted in autumn and spring, and own-rooted bushes - only in spring. This is due to the winter hardiness of roses.

In the summer, experienced gardeners recommend planting only bushes with a closed root system, but even then in rare cases. Since it is sometimes very difficult to create favorable conditions for their further adaptation in a new place.

For reference! It is better for novice gardeners to purchase seedlings in nurseries in their region - such roses are better acclimatized.

How to choose the season for planting - spring, summer or autumn

Spring is ideal for planting cuttings-grown roses. In this case, the root system of the plant is not yet sufficiently developed to survive the winter without special difficulties. And so the seedling will have the opportunity to grow it throughout the season.

Planting roses should be carried out taking into account the climatic conditions of the region.

To carry out planting in the spring, it is necessary that the soil is already warmed up enough, but the air temperature is still moderate. This will allow the rose to fully root without wasting energy on the growing season.

In autumn, planting should be carried out when the air temperature has already dropped to +10 .. + 12 degrees. In this case, growth processes in the aboveground part slow down, but at the same time the root system begins to prepare for wintering, that is, to deepen. This allows the plant to redirect all its forces to adapt to a new place and not spend them on the development of shoots.

In the summer, planting can be carried out only if there are favorable conditions for the rooting of the plant. Otherwise, the rose may die.

Important! The buds remain in a dormant mode, but the root system develops at a daytime temperature of +10 .. + 15 degrees and a night temperature within +5 ° C.

Dates of planting roses in different regions

When planting roses in the garden, you need to focus on the climatic conditions of the region.

  • In the southern regions, this procedure should be carried out in late autumn. The optimal period for this is the end of September and the whole of October.
  • In the central regions, spring and autumn planting of roses can be carried out. In the first case, the procedure should be done at the end of April, and in the second, closer to the end of September.
  • In the northern regions, it is recommended to plant bushes in the first days of May. It is at this time that the weather sets in, which contributes to the full rooting of roses.

Regular watering is essential for planted bushes.

Knowing when is the best time to plant roses in different areas, you can count on a positive result of this procedure.

How to plant roses in the garden in spring - features, requirements and step-by-step instructions

When planting roses in the spring in the country, you need to adhere to some recommendations that will allow you to carry out the procedure correctly. Most often during this period, seedlings with an open root system are realized, so you can consider how well the processes are developed.

For planting, it is recommended to purchase one- or two-year-old plants without mechanical damage and signs of disease.

Important! The day before planting, the root system of the rose must be soaked in water in order to activate the growth processes.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a hole 60 cm deep and wide.
  2. Place a 10 cm thick drainage layer on the bottom.
  3. Fill the remaining volume by 2/3 with a nutrient mixture of turf, humus and peat in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.
  4. Water liberally and wait until the moisture is completely absorbed.
  5. Shorten the roots of the rose seedling by 1/3 of the length.
  6. Set it in the center so that the root collar is 2 cm below the soil level.
  7. Sprinkle with earth and compact the soil surface at the base of the bush.

At the end of the spring planting, the rose bush needs to be slightly spud, and when young shoots begin to grow, the ground should be leveled.

Is it possible to plant roses in the fall, in what time frame

When planting rose bushes in autumn, it is important to maintain the optimal timing. If this procedure is carried out prematurely, then the plant will begin to grow shoots and leaves, which will significantly weaken it. In the event of late precipitation in the fall, a rose seedling may not sing to take root until the arrival of frost and eventually die.

How to do it correctly

Autumn planting should be carried out taking into account this period of the year. Therefore, you need to try to provide the seedling with favorable conditions for rapid rooting, so that it can easily survive the cold period.

When properly planted, roses take root quickly in a new location.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a landing pit 60 cm wide and deep.
  2. Lay broken brick or crushed stone 10 cm thick at the bottom.
  3. Fill the remaining volume by 2/3 with a nutrient mixture of turf, humus and peat, taken in equal volume.
  4. Water liberally and wait until the moisture is completely absorbed.
  5. Place a shrub in the center so that the root collar is 2 cm below the soil level.
  6. Sprinkle the roots with earth and completely fill the resulting voids.
  7. Compact the surface of the soil at the base, water abundantly.

Important! At the end of the procedure, the shrub must be spud to a height of 10-15 cm.

How are seedlings stored in the fall before planting

When buying roses early, you need to store seedlings in a cool room with a temperature of +4 degrees. Such conditions will not allow the buds to develop, but also will not allow metabolic processes in the root system to stop.

And, in order to prevent the processes from drying out, you need to dip the lower part of the plant in a clay mash. To prepare it, you need to mix clay with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Dip rose root in the mixture and dry a little. This protective layer will help keep moisture inside the plant tissues.

Caring for roses after planting

In order for a rose to quickly adapt to a new place, it is necessary to provide it with full care after planting. Watering is especially important during this period for the plant.

Rose bushes need regular maintenance

Moistening should be carried out regularly when the top layer of the earth dries up. To do this, use rain or settled water with a temperature of +20 degrees. The frequency of watering is 2 times a week.

14 days after planting, the seedling should be fed with superphosphate (30 g) and potassium sulfide (15 g) in a bucket of water. It is also recommended to loosen the soil at the base of the bush after each wetting to provide air access to the roots.

Attention! In the first year after planting, the seedlings should not be allowed to bloom profusely, as this can significantly weaken them. Therefore, you need to regularly remove the buds on the shoots.

With the arrival of the first frost, a layer of mulch 10-15 cm thick must be laid under the rose bush. And also additionally covered with spruce branches or agrofibre on top in the central and northern regions.

Every grower should know when it is best to plant roses in open ground in spring or autumn, depending on the climatic conditions of his region. Indeed, the further development and flowering of the shrub depends on this. If the recommendations are not followed, the result obtained may drastically differ from the desired one.


