Rose Limbo (Limbo) - characteristics of a varietal plant

Hybrid tea rose bushes are very popular with flower growers who want to decorate their gardens with decorative flowers. In addition to their beauty, these plants are known for their undemandingness, the Limbo rose variety stands out for its unusual yellow-green color of the petals, for which this flower has the nickname "dollar". The splendor of its flowering and healthy growth are due to the care that has its own nuances.

Description of the Limbo rose variety and the history of its creation

Tea rose hybrids began to be bred in the 19th century. in France. Created in 1999, the Limbaugh rose is relatively new. It is the work of the German breeder V. Cordes and is successful not only due to its lemon color, which, due to lighting, acquires golden, light green, yellow and green hues, but also due to its resistance to diseases.

The splendor of the Limbo rose bouquet will delight any wealthy person

Short description

When blooming, the climbing rose Limbo forms graceful buds, shaped like glasses. They have a wavy border. As a double cup-shaped flower appears, the bud opens 9-10 cm. The number of petals is about 50. The buds themselves appear abundantly even on young bushes.

For your information! The flowers of the Limbo rose have a light aroma and delight the eye during their two phases of long flowering. The shoots of the bush have almost no thorns, it is gaining a meter in height and 60 cm in diameter.

The plant is slightly susceptible to fungus and other diseases, however, during the cold and snowy period, the bush needs special care.

Advantages and disadvantages

Skilled gardeners praise this cultivar for its fast growth in spring and a flowering period of several months. According to their descriptions, the disadvantages of the Limbo rose include the long adaptation of the seedlings and the unhurried blooming of the buds, which requires caution when pruning. Despite the poor tolerance of cold weather, this flower, which is not widespread in Russia, feels good in winter if you provide it with shelter.

Use in landscape design

Flowers with a green tint are rare and not common in nature. This feature attracts the attention of those who want to increase the decorativeness of their garden to the Limbo rose, but other flowers with a bright color can drown it out. For this reason, it is recommended to grow this variety either separately or only in a certain combination. Limbo bushes fit perfectly into the coniferous surroundings. In the south, the rose looks good with juniper and cypress. Heuchera, lily, cuff, iris and veronica are also acceptable neighbors.

Note! Of the roses next to it, only those with a bluish tint should be planted.

How to properly plant and grow flowers outdoors

The most common method is to plant seedlings obtained by cutting and dividing the bush. Also in the middle of spring, sowing of seeds is carried out. The success of planting operations largely depends on the planting material.To hedge against buying a plant with a fungus or other varieties, it is recommended to contact only special flower shops and greenhouses.

Note! The purchased seedlings should be free of rot and mold. It is not recommended to buy damaged seedlings. Overly elongated and fragile roots can be a sign of poor flower growth in the future.

Rose Limbaugh changes hue depending on the lighting

What time is the boarding

Plants root best in spring. For their healthy growth and development, a sufficiently warm soil will be needed, and therefore the most optimal time for planting is the first half of May.

This variety is suitable not only for outdoor garden conditions, it can be planted with equal success in greenhouses and greenhouses. The bushes in them are often grown for making bouquets.

Where is the best place to plant the Limbo rose

When choosing a landing site, lighting and drafts should be taken into account. This rose variety prefers warmth and abundant sunbathing in calm places. Cool air currents will adversely affect the growth and health of the flower. The south sides of buildings or fences are good choices.

Important! Rowan, pear, cherry and raspberry will be unwanted neighbors for the Limbo rose.

The soil should be nutritious, loose and easy to dig up. The ideal option would be a ratio of 3 shares of manure, 2 sand, 2 fertile soil and 1 peat. Drainage is necessary to protect against stagnant moisture, sand, pieces of bricks, rubble and gravel are suitable materials. Before spring planting in the fall, the soil is enriched with manure and humus.

If some of the roots of the seedlings are weak or damaged, it is recommended to prune them. This will accelerate the growth of the plant. Five hours before the start of planting, the root system is placed in water. This is especially true when the root system is open.

You can plant roses in both regular and tall beds.

Step-by-step description of the planting process:

  1. The hole should be dug 50 cm deep, with the expectation of filling the drainage layer. The diameter of the depression and its depth with the already filled up drainage should not constrain the root system.
  2. After placing the seedling in the hole, it is necessary to fill in the prepared soil there.
  3. The last steps are abundant watering and mulching.

Note! Rose Limbaugh is also planted in special containers. In this case, mineral-based fertilizers are used. The roots should feel just as free, the container is placed in a sufficient depression in the open ground, the rose placed there is covered with earth, watered and mulched.

Further care

Rose Dollar is unpretentious in care, the most active period of which falls on the summer season. After watering, the soil should be loosened at the roots, this gives them access to oxygen. In this case, it will not be superfluous to remove weeds nearby. In addition to weaning nutrients, they can be a source of various diseases, and pests are also spread with the help of weeds. To avoid the appearance of aphids and powdery mildew, the root soil is covered with mulch.

Watering and moisture

A weekly abundant watering will be sufficient, the need for which is determined by the appearance of the rose and the dryness of the soil under the bush. With a lack of moisture, the bushes will give bright, but small flowers. Younger plants require more water. The soil should not dry out, but stagnant water in the soil can be harmful to the flower.

Fertilization and soil quality

The dollar needs feeding every two weeks. Fertilizers begin to be applied in the spring, the best option would be the alternation of mineral and organic products. These flowers grow well in drained and often damp types of soil, where the acid-base values ​​are 5.6-7.3 pH.

Pruning and replanting

To maintain the shape of the bush, it is necessary to trim it annually, removing diseased and dried shoots.In most cases, pruning is performed in the spring before the sap flow begins. Also, the procedure is carried out after summer flowering in the fall.

Note! To maintain the splendor and abundance of flowering at the proper level, you should rid the bush of buds that have faded.

Shelter flower beds for the winter

Features of wintering a flower

When cold weather sets in, Limbo roses are covered with peat or mulch, or both. When covered exclusively with peat, the bush is completely covered with it and opens up in the spring. If the material for the shelter is pure mulch or mulch mixed with peat, to which humus can also be added, after the bush falls asleep, the rose is covered with a non-woven material.

When the rose is grown in areas prone to severe frost, a wooden fence is erected around the flower shortly before the cold snap. Its inner space can be insulated with foam, then the structure is also covered with non-woven material. After the spring warming, the shelter is removed, and the rose is processed with diluted copper sulfate.

Flowering period

Hybrid tea roses, including the green Limbo, form buds in the form of a single mono-colored glass with a delicate aroma. The flower of this variety has a creamy core and even in autumn retains its freshness for a long time. This type of rose produces long, elegant flower stalks.

Note! The flowering of tea hybrids continues from the beginning of summer until the October-November cold snaps, after which a dormant period begins for the flowers.

Care during and after flowering

Due to the fact that the flowers of the Dollar are very persistent and practically do not crumble on their own, the faded buds should be removed by hand. After flowering, it is time to shape the bush, as well as trim dry and diseased branches.

Reasons for the lack of flowering

The Limbo rose variety may not bloom if:

  • the soil is not sufficiently rich in nutrients;
  • the bush has gone wild;
  • the plant needs rejuvenation by pruning;
  • the flower did not cover well enough in winter.

By determining the cause, it must be eliminated using the appropriate method for the situation.

Flower propagation

When propagated by dividing the bush, new roses are planted according to the standard technique. Cuttings are carried out in early July. Seeds are sown in April.

Cut the cuttings with a pruning shears with a sharp blade

For grafting, you will need one-year-old stems that did not have time to stiffen, cut off at a place 3 mm below the end of the leaf stem. The seedling can be up to 15 cm in length or divided into segments, each of which has a couple of buds, the presence of which is mandatory in both cases. Cuttings can be rooted both in pots and directly in the garden. When planting on a soil prepared according to the standard method, a row of cuttings deepens into it no more than 2 cm, leaves slightly touching each other. Their adaptation and growth are accelerated by the greenhouse effect. Cuttings need shade and four daily spraying.

Seeds recommended for purchase in nurseries and special flower outlets are sown in April. They can be collected from roses and independently after flowering. After washing, the seeds are placed in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide for half an hour, the floating ones are thrown away. They should be sown on the bed in loosened prepared soil, only lightly sprinkling with soil. They release the first shoots no earlier than in 1.5-2 months.

For your information! Some growers sow seeds in pots in early autumn, keeping them at home until late spring. This method involves the absence of direct sunlight and the hardening of plants in the fresh air on warm days.

Diseases, pests and ways to control them

The parasites most threatening the health of the Limbaugh rose include leafworms, aphids, ants, sawflies and caterpillars. They can make the flower look painful and stop growing. Pests are removed by manual collection, and pesticides and insecticides are also used against them.

Hybrid tea rose Limbo can suffer from black spot, powdery mildew and rust. Incorrect conditions of detention usually contribute to the emergence of these ailments. The most common method of treatment today is pruning diseased shoots with subsequent treatment of the bush with copper sulfate.

Aphids attack a rose

Thanks to its unusual hue-changing color, the Limbaugh rose is gaining popularity among gardeners. Breeders keep trying to breed green flowers, but no one can beat Cordes, which is why Dollar still maintains a reputation for being the most unusual flower. Although the use of the Limbo variety in landscape design is possible only alone or in a certain combination, its decorativeness and unpretentiousness make this rose a desirable decoration for any garden.


