Purple roses are the best varieties for the site

The rose is considered the most beautiful flower, thousands of shades and varieties of which have been bred by breeders. It is lilac and purple roses that amaze people with their uniqueness. Often on the sites of gardeners you can find such original specimens.

Purple and lilac roses

The purple rose is unique and unusual, striking in its beauty

Lilac roses are classified depending on the conditions of their cultivation, structure and development:

  • Hybrid tea - are single large double flowers that are attached to tall strong shoots.
  • Climbing or curly - used to decorate hedges, gazebos, arches. Plants have long, strong shoots up to 6 m, bright fragrant flowers that delight the eyes of the owners until frost.
  • Border - have not tall shoots with dense inflorescences that cover part of the foliage.
  • Ground covers are unpretentious plants that cover the ground in the form of a carpet.
  • Potted roses are whimsical roses that can be grown all year round.
  • Kenyan - they are distinguished by a large number of shades and an unusual delicate aroma.
  • Standard - any kind of rose can be grafted on a rosehip tree, which intensively nourishes the flower and guarantees lush flowering.

For reference! Roses grafted onto rose hips tolerate unfavorable weather conditions much better and winter well.

Meaning and signs associated with this color

Curly roses - the best design for arches and gazebos

Purple flowers are a symbol of charm. Lilac buds symbolize first love. In psychology, purple roses speak of luxury, wisdom and wealth.

If a guy gives a girl a bouquet of purple flowers, this can only mean one thing - he is definitely in the mood for a serious relationship, and not just makes a nice present.

The main popular plant varieties with a description of the appearance

There are many varieties of roses, each of which has its own description.

Cardinal de Richeliau (Cardinal Richelieu)

The small cupped flowers of the rose are framed and purple in color. It blooms during the first month of summer.

Purple beauties Cardinal de Richeliau

Claude Brasseur (Claude Brasseur)

The flower with a rich smell has a perfect shape with large petals. The hybrid tea has a violet-purple hue.

Claude Brasseur rose bush in the garden

Night Owl

There are few thorns on the shoots of the bush. The flower has the color of a closely red wine with yellow stamens on a light spot in the middle. There are few petals - only 8-12 pieces, they are wavy.

Original Flower Night Owl

Midnight Blue

Dark lilac roses of the Midnight Blue variety have 17-25 petals and bright yellow stamens in the center. They have a strong spice aroma.

Luxurious Midnight Blue buds

Rhapsody in Blue

These purple-tinted rose flowers are the closest to blue.The flower petals are semi-double with golden stamens in the white center.

Roses Rhapsody in Blue

Blue for You

A rose named Blue for You is described as the bluest at the moment. The flower has a sensational aroma, profuse flowering.

Blue for You - the bluest rose

Necessary conditions for growing

To get a spectacular rose garden, you need to follow certain rules for caring for plants.


Before planting whimsical plants, the following indicators should be considered:

  • delicate roses in the garden require good lighting throughout the day, while avoiding direct sunlight on them;
  • the correspondence of the climate to a specific plant variety matters, since this flower loves warmth;
  • you should not plant rose bushes in an area with constant drafts, but the presence of space is important.

Basic soil requirements

To obtain a beautiful rose bush, you need to take into account the characteristics of the soil:

  • the soil is needed not too light and not heavy;
  • clay soil leads to stagnation of moisture, as a result of which plants often get sick;
  • nutrients are quickly washed out from light soil and water leaves, which requires abundant replenishment, which can also harm.

Note! Neutral soil is the best soil for a rose garden.

How to plant purple roses correctly

Rose bush planting process

Before starting planting, you need to select seedlings in a nursery or a specialized store. It is also worth paying attention to the variety that is suitable for the climatic zone of the garden.

When purchasing young seedlings, you need to carefully examine the plants for signs of damage and rot on the roots.

Next, you should perform the following actions:

  1. Decide on a place.
  2. Prepare the soil by digging it up and removing all weed roots.
  3. Dig a hole of such a size that the root system of the seedling is freely and with a margin included in it.
  4. To improve the quality of the soil, supplements in the form of special fertilizers for roses should be used. It is recommended to add a little clay and humus to sandy soil, sand and peat to heavy soil.
  5. In case of stagnant water on the site, a drainage layer should be laid on the bottom of the pit using broken brick and gravel.
  6. Pour water into the prepared hole.
  7. Dig in the seedling, leaving the grafting site under the ground at a distance of 6.5-7 cm. Then it is time to compact the ground around it a little.

Important! Planting is carried out in spring or autumn, so that the seedling has time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

Purple rose care

Although many roses are quite unpretentious plants, simple proper care of them is of great importance.

Watering and fertilizing

It is enough to water the flowers once every 5-7 days. If the summer is too hot, the procedure should be done more often. Experienced gardeners recommend pouring water rarely, but abundantly.

It is worth watering at the root in the evening, especially in the heat. In the absence of the possibility of a timely procedure, it is necessary to mulch the plant with the help of mowed grass, straw, foliage or sawdust.

Lilac roses should be fertilized in several stages:

  • in spring, nitrogen fertilizers are welcomed, contributing to the growth of the green mass of the bush;
  • at the time of budding and flowering, fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus in the composition are suitable;
  • you need to stop feeding plants in the second half of the summer;
  • in the autumn and before preparing for the winter, roses need to be fed with potash fertilizers so that the shoots that appear are lignified as quickly as possible.


Spring pruning of bush shoots

By pruning, the rose bush is formed correctly. The best time for the procedure is spring. During this period, the emergence of new shoots is stimulated.

Elements to trim:

  • damaged stems;
  • withered flowers;
  • shoots that grow inside the bush.

Important! In the fall, on the eve of frost, pruning is not recommended.

When the air temperature becomes subzero, it's time to cover the bushes for the winter. To do this, you need to huddle the ground by 20 cm and cover the bushes with any materials, forming a frame made of transparent polyethylene. Then cardboard, lutrasil, burlap are suitable for the upper part of the coating.

Pest and disease control

From the appearance of powdery mildew, prevention will help in the form of spraying with a solution of tea soda. To combat the second main pest, which is aphid, it is worth using a solution of laundry soap and wormwood.

It is also allowed to treat the bushes with special preparations such as "Aktar" or "Fitosporin".

Aphids on a rose bush are a common pest

How to combine with other plants in landscaping

The beautiful design of the site with the help of purple varieties of rose bushes is not difficult. Depending on the specific variety, you can harmoniously plant roses one by one, next to other flowers, or emphasize the rose garden with an original design in the form of a fully entwined arch.

Evergreens and deciduous shrubs should be used to highlight and emphasize individual details. Before planting, it is recommended to match the groups and varieties of plants so that the result is a colorful and voluminous composition.

Roses in the garden or in flower beds near the house will decorate a plot of any size. If you plant the plants in containers, they decorate the house or yard in an original way.


