Rose Midsummer (Midsummer) - what kind of variety, description

The rose in the world has received universal recognition as one of the most beautiful and vibrant colors. Refined and fragrant buds attract all the fairer sex. It is simply impossible to count all the types of roses that exist now. One of the most popular is the Midsummer variety.

Rose floribunda Midsummer (Midsummer)

Rose Midsummer is a member of the Floribunda group. This variety was obtained by crossing such varieties of roses as nutmeg, tea, polyanthus.

As a result, specimens were obtained that are resistant to cold and disease, with a long flowering period. In addition, roses of this group are unpretentious in care, multiply well and are not demanding during the growing period.

Rosa Midsummer is a chic representative of the floribunda group

The description says that the Midsummer climbing rose bush reaches a height of 1 m and a width of up to 0.6 m.The flowers are medium in size, reaching a diameter of 6 to 8 cm.

Inflorescence on one stem has 10 or more buds. The flowers are lush and contain up to 30 petals. The color of the flowers is varied. Inside, the rose can be pink, bright crimson, scarlet or cherry, sometimes orange and red are slightly noticeable. The edges of the petals are colored dark green.

Typical signs:

  • stems are straight;
  • bush of the correct shape;
  • foliage is rich green, has a glossy surface;
  • flowers are located compactly on one stem;
  • the flowering process begins in the second half of June.

Floribunda Midsummer amazes with a shade of flowers and delicate aroma

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Due to its structure, the Midsummer bush looks colorful and aristocratic. It attracts a delicate and pleasant aroma, which is characteristic only of floribunda roses.

In addition, flower growers value:

  • unpretentiousness in growing and care;
  • frost resistance;
  • increased immunity to diseases and pests;
  • good tolerance to high temperatures and humidity;
  • long flowering period;
  • after cutting it does not fade for a long time, therefore it is an excellent option for creating bouquets.

Important! But there are several nuances that spoil the overall impression of this variety a little. A large number of buds on one stem are covered with greenery. This spoils the decorative look of the bush. In addition, the buds do not bloom at the same time. Therefore, at one time on the stem there can be both green buds and a flower with crumbling petals.

Use in landscape design

The beautiful color and splendor of the inflorescences favorably characterizes the Midsummer rose. Due to these characteristics, it is often used in landscape design.

It looks great in both individual and group landings. Quite often, the Midsummer rose is combined with climbing roses of another variety. The flower looks royally in combination with conifers. It is used to decorate garden paths, gazebos and arbours.

Floribunda - the queen of landscape design

Growing a flower

Gardeners treat roses as capricious plants to care for and grow. This statement does not apply to the Midsummer floribunda. You don't have to spend a lot of time and effort on this rose.

What time is the boarding

A rose is planted as a seedling in open ground. It is best if the planting material is purchased in a greenhouse rose garden.

The optimal planting time is in spring or autumn. In the spring, you need to wait until the soil warms up well. And in the fall, planting is carried out before the start of frost.

It is impossible to name the exact time, since everything depends on the climate of the region. The main thing is that such a time is selected so that the seedling has time to take root before the frost begins. Only in this case will the plant survive the winter safely.

Important! If the seedling was purchased planted in a container with soil, then it can be planted even in summer.

Location selection

There is an opinion that the rose is not a shade-loving plant and they need to be planted on the south side of the site.

As for Midsummer, exposure to direct sunlight at lunchtime can lead to burns on the foliage. For this variety, it is necessary to select a place on the site where there will be light partial shade in the afternoon.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude places protected from wind and drafts. The best option is to plant a bush near a gazebo, a fence or a wall of a house.

It is better to break the rose garden near the hedge or near the gazebo

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The medium is selected for floribunda. If the soil is sandy, then you need to add a little clay, compost and sod land to it. Purified river-type sand, peat, humus and compost are added to the clay soil.

Important! The acidity of the substrate should vary between 5.5-6.5 pH. If the indicators exceed the permissible rate, then it is necessary to carry out the liming process. With insufficient acidity, more organic matter is introduced.

Plant care

Any plant, even an unpretentious one, needs care. Only with constant care and providing the necessary conditions will the Midsummer rose develop correctly and delight its owners with lush flowering.

Watering rules and humidity

Watering Midsummer must be based on weather conditions. In hot and dry times, watering is carried out twice a week. For each bush, up to 20 liters of settled liquid is calculated. The water temperature for watering the rose should be at room temperature.

Top dressing and soil quality

The timeliness and quality of spring feeding affects the formation of lush inflorescences on rose bushes. It is also necessary to fertilize the plant during growth and active development.

In this case, 2 methods of feeding are used:

  • alternate introduction of organic matter and mineral additives twice a month;
  • mix both components and add every 2 weeks.

The fertilizer mixture is prepared in the following way. Manure is added to the water in a ratio of 3: 1, respectively. In addition, potash, nitrogen and superphosphate additives are added to the composition. All components are thoroughly mixed and left to ferment for 14 days. For feeding, take 1 part of the mixture and dilute in 10 parts of water.

Important! In the autumn period, potash top dressing is mandatory. This will increase the resistance of roses to cold weather in winter.

Pruning and replanting

The beauty of the bush and the splendor of flowering depends on its correct formation. This procedure is carried out in early spring before the start of sap flow. Before pruning, it is necessary to disinfect the tools, and the places of the cuts are treated with garden varnish. This will help prevent fungus and other diseases from infesting the shrub.

Pruning methods are divided into three types:

  • lightweight;
  • moderate;
  • strong.

Light and medium pruning is used to form a bush and dose the flowering intensity. With the help of strong pruning, the plant is rejuvenated.

Step-by-step instructions for planting a rose

Features of wintering a flower

Rosa Midsummer tolerates cold well and is frost-resistant.

But, for the comfortable state of the plant and good further development, it is recommended to protect the bushes in the winter.For the winter, shrubs are spud with a mixture of dry peat and soil.

In regions with severe winters, where frosts stay for a long time below -30 ° C, they are additionally covered with agrofibre.

Blooming rose

Rose Midsummer has a long flowering period. Starting from the second half of June and ending in September.

Important! To ensure the abundant flowering of the rose, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities before the start of the process and after they have faded.

Before buds begin to form, it is necessary to water the bushes with sodium humate in the ratio: add 1 tbsp for 4 buckets of water. l. facilities. In early spring, spray with Epinoma. Dilute 1 ampoule for 5 liters of water. During the first flowering, feed with mineral fertilizers with nitrogen.

During flowering, wilted buds must be removed.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible reasons

If the rose does not bloom, then you must first determine the cause. There may be several of them:

  • The quality of the seedlings. In this case, it is impossible to change the situation. We'll have to replace the bush with a new seedling purchased from another nursery.
  • Poorly prepared soil. The bush is transplanted into properly prepared soil.
  • Improper feeding.
  • Incorrectly chosen landing site on the site.

Important! In order for new buds to be constantly tied on the stems of the rose, it is necessary to remove wilted flowers in a timely manner.

Flower propagation

There are two ways to propagate a rose:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

At home, the seed method is rarely used. Most often they are bred by cuttings.

The process consists of several stages:

  • Preparation of cuttings. For this, shoots are cut, the length of which is 40-50 cm. It is better to do this at the end of June. Next, make an oblique cut at a height of 1 cm from the bottom sheet. Then at least 3 kidneys are left and the excess is cut off with an even incision at a distance of 5 mm from the upper kidney.
  • The thorns are removed with a sharp secateurs.
  • The lower cut of the cutting is placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for a quarter of an hour to prevent decay. Then they are treated with any growth stimulant.
  • Then they are placed in a pot with a substrate and covered with a jar to create a greenhouse effect.
  • When the cuttings take root, and this can be understood by the appearance of new leaves on them, they are transplanted to a permanent habitat.

Diseases, pests and ways to control them

The Midsummer rose has a well-developed immunity to various kinds of diseases and pests. But, if the care of the plant is not carried out correctly, the irrigation regime is violated, then problems may arise. With excessive watering, the root system can rot. This is detrimental to the plant; it is unlikely that it will be possible to save it.

Important! As with all roses, aphid, tick, or scabbard infestation is a common problem. It is better to start the fight against these insects with preventive measures. To do this, it is necessary to carry out systematic spraying of the bushes with soapy water.

If these measures did not help, then the shrubs are treated with Aktara, Aktellik or Fitoverm insecticides.

Proper care of the Midsummer rose will allow gardeners to enjoy gorgeous flowers throughout the summer. The features of caring for a flower do not look extremely complicated, so the plant can be recommended for novice gardeners.


