Rose Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco (Jubile du Prince de Monaco) - what is this variety

Roses have long been considered royal flowers - they are ready to decorate with their flowering any personal plot. At the same time, among the modern varieties there are those that can win the heart of a gardener with the highest requirements. Among all the abundance of roses, due attention should be paid to the Prince of Monaco variety. This flower differs from its congeners by its unsurpassed beauty, as well as ease of cultivation and care.

Rose Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco

Floribunda rose prince of Monaco is a variety of rose bushes that is intended for growing in garden plots. The main advantage of the variety is continuous flowering and fragrance. The inflorescences are collected in separate groups, so the bush is practically strewn with flowers.

A rose bush looks like a cloud

The rose prince of Monaco can have simple, double or semi-double flowers. The petals differ in their size. They can be quite large or quite small. In diameter, one flower can be up to twelve centimeters. Sprawling rose bushes are ideal for growing both in gardens and out of flower beds.

The history of the creation of the variety

The birthplace of the Prince of Monaco rose is France, where it first appeared in 2000. It was then that she was presented by the Meilland firm at the official flower exhibition. Then it was entered into the register and the flower became popular among gardeners.

Important! The name of the rose Jubile du prince de Monaco from French translates as “rose Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco” (“de” is not read in this case).

In addition, flower growers call it "Fire and Ice". This is due to the color of the petals, which are red at the edges, and become white closer to the central part of the flower.

A flower with original edges on the petals attracts with its originality. This color makes the rose airy and light. In addition, the Monaco rose is completely unpretentious in care, for this reason it is gaining more and more recognition among gardeners.

Characteristics of the variety

The rose of this variety begins to bloom in the first days of summer and pleases the eye of its owners until September. The flower tolerates dry hot weather, autumn rains and frosts in winter. At the same time, the shrub does not lose its shape. To imagine a flower, you need to know a short description of it.

  • The shrub grows up to a meter in height.
  • Flowers most often grow in diameter from eight to ten centimeters, but sometimes they can be found twelve centimeters.
  • Rose has a mild aroma, so people do not have allergic reactions and headaches.
  • The flowering of the plant is long, it can last until the first frost.
  • Up to forty petals can be located on one flower, thanks to which the core is completely hidden.
  • Shrubs easily tolerate rain, frost and drought.

Interesting to know! The Jubile du Prince de Monaco rose is very popular as a gift, for this reason they are most often given to their halves on Valentine's Day.

The unusual color of the Prince de Monaco rose is eye-catching

At the initial stage of flowering, the bud of a rose is creamy, along the edges of which there is a crimson edge.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The rose bush of this variety has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • unusual rose color, which tends to change tone at different flowering periods;
  • blooms for a long time and pleases the eye;
  • flowers always remain decorative;
  • easily tolerate such troubles as frost and rain;
  • drought does not become an obstacle to fragrance;
  • serves as an excellent decoration in landscape designs.

The disadvantages include:

  • the aroma of the rose is practically not felt;
  • does not always tolerate illness;
  • in a harsh winter, the bush needs to be wrapped.

The rose bush itself already adorns the garden plot.

Important! Due to its unusual appearance, it fits into any garden landscape design. The flower can be grown in a single planting, shrubs can be planted in groups and in addition to other plants. A hedge consisting of roses of this variety will look original.

How to properly grow a shrub

For planting, prince de Monaco rose seedlings are best bought in nurseries. In this case, the planting material should be no more than three years old, since it is at this time that they best take root in a new place. In order for the landing to be done correctly, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

The flower is very afraid of strong winds and drafts. For this reason, it is best to plant it in a cozy, quiet place, illuminated by the sun's rays. It should be remembered that in a too dry season, the shrub must be watered.

For good growth and flowering of the Prince of Monaco rose, the soil must be well fertilized with nitrogen-rich substances. To do this, mullein or bird droppings are introduced into the soil, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Planting procedure step by step

  1. Before planting, you need to carefully prepare the soil. It is dug up and fertilized.
  2. A hole is dug with parameters 40 centimeters in depth and 40 centimeters in width and length.
  3. At the bottom of the fossa, material is laid out, which will serve as drainage.
  4. After planting the seedling, the roots are covered with earth, tamped and watered abundantly.

Important! In no case should you plant shrubs in swampy areas or where groundwater is close to the soil surface.

Plant care

The flowering of a rose bush is mainly dependent on care. For him, watering, feeding, pruning and preparing for wintering are important.

The rose is propagated by cuttings

  • Watering rules

The plant is watered once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions. The liquid must be poured under the root so as not to splatter the leaves and flowers.

  • Top dressing

You can feed roses from the first year of their life. Fertilizers are applied after watering, otherwise you can burn the root system. For feeding, a solution of mullein or bird droppings, ash and herbal infusions is used. At the beginning of the growing season, preference is given to nitrogenous fertilizers. During flowering, it is better to add phosphorus and potassium to the soil.

  • Pruning

The rose bush is pruned in spring and autumn. In the fall, all shoots that have not yet become stiff are cut off. In the spring, all branches that were damaged when wrapping the bush for the winter are cut off.

  • Features of wintering a flower

Provided that the plant is grown in an area where in winter the air temperature drops to -25 degrees, the rose must be wrapped. The root system is covered with mulch, and the bush itself is with agro material.

Blooming rose

In the first stage of flowering, the buds are light in color with crimson edges. Then the flower becomes brighter, and the edges of the petals become richer. The blossoming shrub looks like a pink cloud.

Flower propagation

Reproduction of a rose bush is carried out only by cuttings. Cuttings can be cut from the bush only after flowering. In this case, the flowers must be strong and strong. In addition, planting material can be taken from the donated bouquet, provided that it is fresh.

A stalk is cut from a stem that has completely bloomed. In this case, the middle is selected. It must have at least three buds. Before germination, all leaves and thorns are cut from the cut cuttings. Then the stalk is placed in water until the roots appear.Then the planting material is planted in a pot with prepared soil. At this time, it would be good to cover it with a jar to create greenhouse conditions.

Important! There is an option when raw potatoes are used for rooting cuttings. In this case, potatoes serve not only as a source of a humid environment, but also as a storehouse of useful microelements. In this case, the eyes must be removed on the potatoes.

Diseases, pests and ways to control them

Despite the fact that the plant practically does not get sick, in case of unfavorable conditions, the following problems may arise:

  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • black spot.

The rose is sick from the invasion of pests

To eradicate these diseases, it is recommended to use fungicides.

In addition, the plant is often attacked by pests such as:

  • rose cicada;
  • rose-colored sawfly;
  • rose aphid;
  • bronze.

To destroy them, insecticides from the store are used.

Rose Prince of Monaco is great for growing in the garden and in the garden. She adorns landscaping in an amazing way. The plant can withstand any weather conditions. Rarely affected by diseases and pests. The flowers of the rose bush captivate with their unusual coloring, which makes it popular among gardeners and summer residents. For abundant flowering, it is necessary to create optimal conditions and proper care.


