Rose Princess of Monaco (Princesse De Monaco) - characteristics of the variety

The Princess of Monaco is an elegant rose variety named after the princess of the Principality of Monaco. The breeders managed to instill in the shrub such qualities as frost resistance, immunity to diseases and garden pests. It blooms several times during the summer season and therefore will decorate the garden for 3-4 months.

Rose Princess of Monaco

The variety was introduced in 1969. His homeland is France, neighboring the principality of Monaco. The authorship belongs to the breeder A. Guyot, who wished to obtain a unique plant worthy of the royal gardens.

Rose Princess of Monaco

Brief description, characteristic

Rose Princess of Monaco is a hybrid tea variety. Also known by the names:

  • Melmagarmic;
  • Princess Grace de Monaco;
  • Grace Kelly.

The variety is remontant - that is, it blooms repeatedly during one growing cycle. Belongs to the Floribunda breeding group, which includes abundant flowering hybrid varieties of roses.

During its existence, the variety has won many awards. Initially, it was called Preference, which is translated from English as "preference". After 60 years, it was changed to Princess of Monaco (Princess of Monaco) - in honor of the Princess of Monaco and Hollywood star Grace Kelly.

Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco

Description of the variety:

  • Lush ornate flowers. Most often cream in color with white and pink blotches. Some have a deep pink edging on the petals. Other color variations include white petals with crimson or red edging and solid pink petals. Roses exude a delicate scent.
  • The bush is upright, can reach 1 meter in height.
  • Leaves are shiny, deep dark green color. The shape is oval, with a pointed tip.

Bud color

The Princess of Monaco belongs to the shrubs. The plant blooms throughout the summer season, tolerates frost well and is immune to many common pests and diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Pros of tea variety Princess of Monaco:

  • Fragrant flowers of large size with a beautiful color.
  • Blooms throughout the growing season: from June to August.
  • It tolerates low temperatures well.
  • Reproduces easily.


  • Full bloom begins 3-4 years after planting.
  • Young shrubs require careful maintenance.
  • Dries in direct sunlight.

Important! This variety is suitable for beginner gardeners. It is enough to choose the right planting site and do not forget to water the shrub.

Use in landscape design

Princesse de monaco is an abundant, long-flowering rose. Shrubs grow relatively small - up to 100 cm in height and 80 cm in diameter. Thanks to these qualities, the variety will easily fit into any landscape compositions.

It is recommended to plant the rose bush at a distance from other plants. Several bushes can be planted in the form of a hedge - due to their low height, they will not cast a strong shadow. The Princess of Monaco needs a lot of water, so it is not recommended to plant her in a rockery.

Princess of Monaco in the garden

Growing a flower, how to plant it in open ground

The fastest and most affordable option is to plant seedlings. It is also possible to use seeds, but this method will take about two years.

In what form is the landing

Seedlings should be purchased from trusted suppliers. They must be healthy: with strong stems, uniform leaves without spots. A few of the stems should be woody, the rest should be bright green.

Rose seedlings

What time is the boarding

In order for the plant to take root, it is best to plant during the autumn cold snap. During this period, the plant prepares for wintering - sap and nutrients stop moving along the branches.
Location selection

The shrub needs a well-lit place on a small hill. At the same time, at the peak of solar activity (from 12:00 to 16:00), it must be protected from direct sunlight - they can burn flowers.

Important! The rose should be well ventilated. However, drafts and cold winds can kill the plant.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Preparation of rose seedlings for planting is minimal: cleaning of debris, removal of young green shoots. The damaged areas of the roots must be cut off. Soil preparation is also not required.

Planting procedure step by step

Planting a rose won't take long. The procedure will require drainage, clay and organic feeding.

Landing order:

  1. Prepare seedlings.
  2. Make a 50 cm depression in the ground.
  3. Pour expanded clay drainage into the pit in an even layer. 5-10 cm is enough.
  4. Add a layer of organic fertilizers on top - 10 cm.
  5. Make the next layer 15 cm thick from garden soil.
  6. Dip the root system in a clay solution: add 0.5 kg of clay to 2 liters of water.
  7. Place the planting material in a hole so that the root collar is immersed in the ground by about 5 cm.
  8. Fill the hole with soil.
  9. Drizzle with two liters of water.

Important! The seedlings take root 3-4 weeks after planting. At this time, proper care is especially important - the survival rate of the plant depends on it.

Plant care

Like other varieties of roses, Princess De Monaco is sensitive to the amount of moisture and sunlight. Young plants up to 2 years old are especially picky.

Watering rules and humidity

Rosa Princess de Monaco loves humidity. Young plants that are less than two years old should be watered 2-3 times a week. One watering of the bush requires 3-4 liters of water. In dry season - 1-2 liters more. Fresh tap water is not suitable. It needs to be defended for several days, or melt water should be made. Water collected from rain is also suitable.

Important! The shrub should be watered so that water does not get into the buds and on the surface of the leaves. Excessive moisture provokes the development of fungal diseases.

Top dressing and soil quality

The best soil is black soil. An alternative option is loamy soil, flavored with organic matter. The acidity of the soil should be low. Ph can be lowered by using powdered wood ash or limestone.

Most of all, this rose variety loves mineral and organic fertilizers. During planting, the soil is already fertilized, so additional fertilizing is not needed. Further, it is produced three times a year: in spring and during the formation of buds (mineral mixture), and in September (organic).

Pruning and replanting

In early spring, the rose needs pruning. During the procedure, dried and sore areas are removed, and the shrub is shaped. In order to provoke early flowering, you should cut the branches of the bush so that about 5 buds remain on it.

It is better to transplant in the first half of autumn - when the temperature has not yet dropped below +10 ° C.

Features of wintering a flower

Rose hybrid tea Princess of Monaco perfectly tolerates frost. Only when the air temperature drops to -10 ° C is it worth making a shelter.To do this, you need to huddle the soil under the bush and cover it with a layer of coniferous branches. Metal rods are installed around the plant, on which the material for the shelter is fixed.

Blooming rose

In the process of breeding, the variety was grafted with the qualities of remontant varieties. In other words, during the period of activity, the plant blooms 2-3 times. After the end of flowering, the bush needs basic care: feeding and pruning.

A period of activity and rest

An adult (over 2 years old) rose begins to awaken in March. Next, the first small green leaves appear. The buds begin to set in May - by this time the plant is already densely covered with greenery. The first flowering occurs in June. Flowers change each other about once a month.

Important! Flowering ends at the end of August. The bush enters the dormant stage in October, with the onset of the first serious cold snap.

Care during and after flowering

Flowering begins in June. One bud is formed on each stem of the bush. The formed bud blooms within a week - the diameter of the "glass" made of petals is 12-14 cm.

During flowering, the rose does not need special care. At this time, you should regularly water the plant, ensure constant ventilation of all parts of the bush. The buds remain fresh for several weeks, after which the petals fall off. 2-3 blooms are possible in one season. Cut roses stand in a vase for up to 2 weeks.

In autumn, after flowering, organic fertilizing is performed.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible reasons

If the first buds did not start after May, it is worth reconsidering the care of the plant. Causes characteristic of rose bushes:

  • In the first year after planting, the plant may not bloom. As a rule, several small buds are tied in the first season.
  • Wrong planting site: high humidity, lack of sunlight, the bush is surrounded by other trees, buildings.
  • Drafts.
  • Incorrect trimming. The branches must be at least 45-55 cm long.
  • Diseases or pests. You can recognize them by the change in the state of the foliage: dryness, discoloration, the appearance of plaque, spots or holes.
  • Excess fertilizer.

Important! If all of these problems are prevented by mid-summer, the rose can bloom 1-2 times until autumn.

Flower propagation

The best way to reproduce a rose is vegetative. This way it retains all the qualities characteristic of the variety.

When is it produced

The propagation of hybrid tea roses is done in summer. At this time, the movement of the juice is especially active and the graft will take root better. The best period is July-August.

Detailed description

Amateur gardeners can propagate the plant by grafting. As a rootstock, you can use another variety of roses or rose hips. The plant is over 3 years old.

Breeding order:

  1. Trim off the stem of the Princess of Monaco with a sharp knife, leaving the stem with a small bud. The rootstock trunk must be cleaned of soil particles and debris.
  2. Make a T-shaped incision on the stem of the stock.
  3. Fold back the bark of the rootstock and place the bud of the scion (rose) there.
  4. Wrap the area tightly with foil.

The first shoots will appear by October.

Important! A year after grafting, the seedling is dug up, pruned and transplanted.

Diseases, pests and ways to control them

Rose Grace Kelly has immunity to many garden pests and diseases - this is a quality that the variety received from its "parents". For prevention, it is enough to control the amount of moisture on flowers and leaves. Once a season, you can spray the shrub with parasite repellent.

Rose Grace Kelly is the perfect garden decoration. The shrub blooms for the second year after planting, does not require complex care and takes root well in areas with cold winters. This option is suitable for novice gardeners who have already had experience planting ordinary garden roses.


